Thursday 18 June 2015

Sinach ‘Dances in the Holy Ghost’ –Says, My latest work, my best so far

Sinach ‘Dances in the Holy Ghost’ –Says, My latest work, my best so far

Famous gospel musician, Sinach, has bounced back to the centre stage with her fifth out­ing, a collection of exciting gospel tunes.
Sinach who has honed the art of quality gospel tunes and created a peculiar platform for her genre of music, so far away from the pedestrian tunes that ravage the genera­tion, excitedly said in an interview with Entertainer that what she has come with this time is the best so far from her.
She said: “If my fans and other gospel music lovers had rated me high in the use of my talents from God to praise His name, then they should have a surprise this time because what has just been dropped by me is worlds away from the quality of what they ever got from me.”
The latest from the Edda, Ebonyi State world class gospel music heavy­weight comes in two recipes of DVD, in riveting and captivating video perfor­mances, mostly from her live shows at the Houston, Texas, USA branch of the Christ Embassy Church, one of the classy outlets of the ministry. The audio CD is made of about 13 tracks, partly from the live show and enriched with voices of three foreign gospel artistes she did duet with.
“I am not just blowing my trumpet. But I can’t shy away from stating the obvious fact that every work of art improves and matures. If in my past four works I had set some standards, the natural thing is that I must be under pressure to keep advancing. And with experience and other incentives, I have made this outing the best, in fact beyond my imagination. It’s God’s grace made manifest to me.
“I am not just the one saying it be­cause even though I found that out my­self after listening to the work, we have got so much feedback from fans, listen­ers and even gospel music exponents on the quality of the work,” she stated.
She had more to say in the rest of the discourse about her works, gospel music in Nigeria and many more. Enjoy it:
When did you release your lat­est collection and what number is it in your works?
I actually just released a DVD and audio recording .We have two audio and two VCD releases in circulation all over Nigeria. The title is The Name of Jesus and Dance in the Holy Ghost. This is my fifth official release and my best so far
What is the expectation from your fans and gospel tune lovers that is different from what you had offered them in your previ­ous outings?
We worked on this recording for over a year and six months. We prayed a lot, raised our faith, rehearsed, recorded from different studios from all around the world, and worked with different producers and musicians.
We worked with a 35-piece orchestra and band; we recorded with 2,000 live audience. Lighting, sound and stage were excellent. So with the efforts, brains and all put into the work, includ­ing the large pool of talents, I can actu­ally and confidently say that it remains the best we have done so far.
Is there a particular hit in the collection that you expect to turn the tide?
Every track is a hit. We have songs of praise and worship, declarations for the lives of believers and people of God and faith, inspirational devotions and dance. Everyone can identify with it. The whole album encompasses the Word of God. Though, I am particularly drawn to some tracks, I will allow my fans to make up their minds.
You made inroad into gos­pel music with a particular and peculiar genre of tunes, what is the secret of that departure from the everyday gospel tunes akin to Nigeria?
My kind of music is birthed from my relationship with God and the Word of God. My heart desire always is to see my music and work inspire people to worship God, to find inspiration and faith for their next level. I believe in us­ing the inspiration and talent from God to make music that can speak to lives and situations, music that can make a change. The word of God in my music is the answer to every man’s needs, challenges and lifting. I believe these factors essentially connect people to my music.
Can fans ever hear Sinach sing or write gospel songs in Igbo?
We actually started touring a bit around Nigeria so I was inspired to write a song in Igbo language. So, keep your fingers crossed for that. I have already done a song recently with Frank Edwards where I sang a little bit in Igbo language.
How has it been battling pi­rates; and is there any regret or victory you ever had in the  duel?
It is getting better now. Our main focus is to spread the name of Jesus Christ all around the world and make known His everlasting love to all mankind.
How many tracks in all have you released, and in how many collections?
I have released six audio albums and three DVDs. The tracks are many, I can’t give an accurate number, but I am sure they are not less than 35.
How do songs come to you? And is there any par­ticular personality in the gospel music world you draw inspiration from?
As a songwriter, there are so many things that inspire me. The consciousness of the Word of God, the revelation of the beauty of Christ, life experi­ences, nature, other people’s music, people around me, the environment, and all. The Word of God mostly inspires me. It must be known that I have been under the tutelage and guidance of my man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
From the beginning, did you set out to be a gospel singer?
Not really. Music was to me a hobby until I found myself serving with my man of God at Christ Embassy, and I was inspired by the word of God to write. God birthed an amazing grace and ability to write and produce extraordinary music, which has continued to make wondrous impact all over the world.
What has the experience been like? And what do you cherish most about the fame gospel music has brought you?
Many people call it fame but I say it’s an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. To make known the beauty and joy in praising God is an amaz­ing experience. It’s awesome and sweet when you have such revelation. Fame will drain you but when you look at it as an opportunity to impact people and speak words that can change destinies through music then, you are grateful to God. I love people and I love it that my music can put a smile on people’s faces and cause them to experience God at a deeper level.
Can you let your fans into your growing up years, any special experiences that brought you to the track of fame?
My growing up was very excit­ing. I had a very stable home, and my siblings absolutely loved each other. My mum and dad instilled in us great family values that I am so grateful for today. I did not understand my parents’ concept of giving until I grew up. They shared with people around them. So, that has helped me to share my music. And also staying strong to get to goals is like the true image of my mum. I love her. The loving staff and members of our ministry and the full sup­port encourage me everyday. The unflinching love from my fans all around the world spurred and still spurs me on.
There are four tracks in your new work that you did duet with foreign gospel artistes, but it seems you don’t have such rapport with your Nigerian counter­parts?
A Nigerian, Dee Jones, pro­duced the album; and two of the singers are actually Nigerians. I believe that our country has the most talented people that I have ever come across and I love working with them. I actually work with some group of musi­cians who are mostly Nigerians and my vision is to encourage and nurture them, giving them the necessary platform to soar. They are amazing indeed.

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