Monday, 27 April 2015

Free Piano Lessons + Practice = Progress

Free Piano Lessons + Practice = Progress

With these free piano lessons, you will begin learning how to play the piano by starting with the basics: piano notes & piano fingerings.
Study and practice the first three lessons (“pre-lesson” & lessons 1 & 2), and then choose at least 5 (all 17 would be better) of the tunes to learn (one at a time).
Each of these free piano lessons includes simple instructions, along with the notes and fingerings for every tune in 3 different keys (to learn about “keys” see “ Piano Scales ”). Also, a video demonstration and music notation are available for each tune.
On the "piano tab." pages, there are no rhythm indications, and no directions regarding whether you play up or down from note to note (though fingerings offer some clues). You must use your ear. Therefore, you must choose only songs with which you are familiar.
As you progress through these lessons, your piano keyboard will grow more and more familiar to you, and the piano finger numbers will begin to feel automatic. This provides a solid foundation upon which to begin building your piano skills.
Take your time and master each lesson, practicing slowly and methodically until each element (fingering, notes, hands-separate, hands-together, memorization) and each song flows easily.
As a supplement to working on these tunes, you should also consider getting started on some piano exercises. These will help you as you begin to build your piano technique and keyboard awareness.
Once you’ve learned a few tunes and worked through the beginning exercises, you are ready to take on piano scales, piano chords, reading music, and learning piano literature.
To see how your work here fits into your piano-playing foundation,  read "Piano Player... You".

Free Piano Lessons: The Very Basic Stuff

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