The Great Western Gospel Music Fan Festival, an event that draws in roughly 3,000 people, returns to Visalia this week.
The three-day event, April 30-May 2, kicks off with a golf tournament planned for Wednesday at Valley Oaks Golf Course, 1800 S. Plaza St.
In addition to the concerts, special events will also take place throughout the weekend.
According to organizers, Visalia has been home to the music festival since 2010.
Director of the Visalia Convention and Visitors Bureau Suzanne Bianco said not only are there many returning performers but many returning attendees, too.
“It’s primarily gospel bands but they have other things that are kind of fun for people to do,” she said. “For people to be coming from all over, it can’t just be one type of event.”
People from across the U.S. and Canada will attend the event, organizers said, which will feature many award-winning groups.
Performers include, Triumphant Quartet, Greater Vision, The Hoppers, Tribute Quartet, The Collingsworth Family, Ernie Hasse and Signature Sound, Liberty, Lillie Knauls, Penny Loafers and many premier groups of the West Coast.
“The groups themselves are well-known and attract a great crowd,” Bianco said. “It’s a very unique event.”
Throughout the three days there will be afternoon and evening concerts, as well as a comedy show and a talent contest for future gospel singers.
On closing day, attendees will be treated to a VIP breakfast and have the opportunity to hear a worship and praise message.
Bianco said the event is popular because the performers and organizers of the event complement each other well.
“I think people like the event as much as they do because they like the sense of fellowship,” she said. “They like the sense of homecoming and they love the music. It’s such an uplifting event.”
Bianco also said attendees who travel to the area help boost the local economy by sticking around for several days after the big music festival.
“It’s a great boost to our local economy,” Bianco said. “They are not in any way quick to leave. So it’s great for us to have this type of group come in.”

How to attend:
What: Great Western Gospel Muisic Fan Festival
When: April 30 - May 2
Where: Visalia Convention Center, 303 E. Acequia Ave.
Admission: www.iTickets.com or 1-800 965-9324
Information: www.fanfestivals.com